THANK GOD at the end of 2021

At Borgosesia we feared that we would not be able to offer the children any journey during Advent…we looked forward to the Christmas novena with a thousand doubts: would we have been able to accomplish something “in presence”?

Well, the Lord has been good to us: the hyacinth bulb and the soil, given to the children during the “mini-retreats” at the beginning of Advent, came to propose attention and loving care, in order to encourage growth and flowering, a message of hope and confidence for Christmas this year.

Moreover, since December 16th, after school, the short meeting in the parish church involved the children in the reflection on the YES of Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, the Magi…the comet, and even the cow and the donkey that “together” offered warmth to the divine Child…

A figurine of the characters of the crib was given to each of those present, to compose, at home, the little Bethlehem, around the hyacinth with the background of the themes of the four Sundays of Advent, as suggested by the diocese: buds, listening, announcement, silence.

And…THANK YOU to the “little ones” who on the last day demonstrated that they had understood that the Incarnation is truly Jesus in the history of each of us: “come Jesus and bring life”, “come and bring peace”… “health” but also… “come and play with me”, “come and eat chocolate with me”, “come and console those who are lonely”… “come and free me from selfishness and teach me how to share”…

Because Jesus is interested in everything about us!