
You will be committed for the first time to live full the concrete life of the Sisters of Charity. It’s the time of living the mission concretely!

As Juniors, this is how the young sisters are called, who renew their profession yearly, you will receive a first mission, a practical work at the temporal and spiritual service of the poor that you can accomplish together with others. Within a local community where you share the life of the sisters in simplicity, prayer and service.

The juniorate is also a time of religious formation and sometimes even professional formation. You will have the opportunity to deepen the charism and religious life. Little by little, what you have received during the previous stages, will become reality in your daily life. You will reread regularly your experience with the person who accompanies you, but even through dialogue with the other young sisters living with you during the juniorate.

Down the years, you will deepen your vocation and will evaluate, through moments of joy and enthusiasm as well as through more difficult periods, the call you received from the Lord in this Congregation and you will experience an always greater joy because you belong to him! Always!