Democratic Republic of Congo, Sister Blanche‘s testimony: a rich teaching experience as the only way to help the poor in literacy.


In a world dominated by technology and digital writing, our apostolate is to give others their independence, enriching them with new knowledge through learning to read and write. This is not an easy task, especially toward adults who have lost this education, because we have had to adapt to each person’s situation.

In fact, the goal of this education is to meet the real needs of society.

The school is organized two or three times a week for people to form a class.

However, there are several groups from the rural environment who are eager to improve their skills in order to adapt well to society.

Literacy is also a good way to make people understand the importance of good ecological management.

As sister, my task is firstly to establish a family atmosphere of faith and dialogue among the participants to facilitate communication among members, and secondly to instill a taste for reading, starting with the Bible in dialect.

The benefits of this training are many:

  • independence in reading one’s own documents;
  • facilitation in job search;
  • acquisition of an open mind;
  • greater ability to pass on values to one’s family;
  • access to Bible reading.

In the future, we want to continue with this work by adding sewing to the training of women, especially mothers.

Blanche Kasiala, Sister of Charity

North Ubangi Province, Bosobolo territory, Bili village