Brazil, Lebanon, Thailand, Laos, Egypt, Paraguay, Spain: we update the initiatives that made adults, young people and children participate and be protagonists in the places where they live, creating new networks of knowledge, listening, dialogue and friendship.

On each day, there was the realisation of an ‘ecological’ gesture, to express the will of a ‘personal and communitarian ecological conversion’ that will continue after the Laudato Si’ Week 2024.

From Nova Serrana, Brazil, come photos chronicling the contemplation of creation with the community of Cruz y Gloria, where drug addicts are in recovery.

The Sisters of Charity are involved in accompanying the people who live here.

A student walk was held in Baskinta, Lebanon, specifically at Saint Vincent School.

The hike was led by an alumna, Mireille Tebcharany, and took place on a trail surrounded by lush green nature that offered unique and breathtaking landscapes.

The outing was not just a physical exercise, but an opportunity to reconnect with the nature that nourishes and heals the body, that wonders soul, heart and spirit.

In Thailand, at Daoaroune Nursery and Primary School, nuns with teachers cleaned up and separated trash. Children were taught not to use plastic bottles whenever possible.

In Laos, Laudato Si’ Week was lived in prayer and action.

In Egypt, on the occasion of World Children’s Day, St. Anne’s School in Cairo organized a field trip with children from the younger sections and their parents to a public garden to admire the beauty of nature, clean water ponds to help fish live in clean water, and create masterpieces from nature.

In Paraguay, the Friends of St. Jeanne Antide walked together, becoming aware of caring for the common home and sharing the most meaningful thing in life: “the Vocation,” accompanied by Mary and St. Jeanne Antide.

In Egypt, El Cairo, the Sainte Anne community prayed to the Virgin Mary to bless fruit trees, especially mango trees.

In Spain, the community prayed each day of Laudato Si’ Week, using the document sent by the Laudato Si’ Provincial Commission. The places where the prayers were held are: the County Oratory in Pamplona, the Cté Oratory in Saint Sébastien.

In Pamplona, the sisters have a beautiful terrace where they lovingly grow flowers. Thus, every day, they can admire the beauty of Creation.

In St Sébastien, Laudato Si’ Week ended with an eco-spiritual walk where, in addition to collecting plastic, participants were able to listen to birdsong and admire trees and animals in the wild. Participants also discovered the properties of some plants and flowers.

In the midst of nature, participants sang and prayed to God in communion with all the children of the world gathered in Rome around Pope Francis for World Children’s Day.