Lent creates in us a different outlook on others, on ourselves, on Creation. For this beginning of Lent 2024 we want to re-propose what we experienced in the Retreat of the AJA Local Groups of Calabria.

In this time of fasting and renewal, we are reminded who we are, creatures completely dependent on God, called to live in love and compassion with all of God’s creation.
- the designation ‘Creation’ is most appropriate for us Christians
- in fact, our care for it, goes beyond ecological-environmental respect, and is born, by Faith, from the spiritual relationship of us with God the Creator, with others and with Creation.
- “being custodians of God’s work is an essential part of virtuous existence and Christian experience” (Laudato Si)
- care of Creation “has a sacramental dimension”
- therefore we are called to an “ecological conversion”, and to witness, *joyfully and more openly, our Love for Creation
To convert, after all, is to change the world, to change one’s outlook on things, to look with God’s eyes:
- creation “is what is around us, and ourselves”, man is its highest expression
- the “first well-being of Creation is our health”,
- caring for Creation, in limiting damage, mitigates negative impacts especially on the poorest.
- caring for creation helps prevent poverty, it is therefore an act of charity.
Each of us, in our own intimacy and in the secret of our heart, can dedicate ourselves to an effort of conversion: we ask ourselves if the Lord is truly at the centre of our lives,
If we love the Gifts of Creation, we will truly know how to care for them, just as only if we love our neighbour will we know how to live Charity, following the model of St. Jeanne Antida.
Happy Lent!
Taken from the Spiritual Retreat of the AJA and Sisters of Charity of Calabria. A day, lived in the “frame” of the Sanctuary Heart of Mary Refuge of Souls, of Natuzza Evolo in Paravati (Vibo V.).
More than 50 participants were present to meditate, share and pray, on the theme: “The Care of Creation-Common Home, in the light of the Word of God and Charity”.
The meditation on the theme, led by sister Tina C. starting from Genesis 1:1-31, with parallels drawn from Laudato Si, generated a lively and profound sharing, which was then internalised with Eucharistic Adoration.
The retreat concluded with Holy Mass, celebrated by Fr Giuseppe M., of the Congregation of the Mission Fathers (Vincentian), and Fr Francesco De F., Parish Priest of Messignadi (RC), and we said goodbye with the conclusion of Fr Giuseppe’s homily: “Let us go and lend our loving care to the Gifts of Creation,” as we do with everything that reminds us of our dearest affections”.
Antonella, sister Mariagrazia, sister Rosaria and Giannantonio