And once again this year the pandemic has restricted us in our annual appointment of the alternative New Year lived with Caritas of Rome. But, fortunately, it did not deprive the young people of the Emmaus group and SGAT of Malta of their energy and the will to “do” something different during this festive period.

We came up with a new service, also respecting the measures imposed by Covid 19. The eight young people, accompanied by Sr. Ramona and Sr. Melissa, decided to prepare cakes and deliver them to the families, guests of a shelter called Il-Milja, a center that welcomes 12 families with their children, survivors of domestic violence. In addition to the sweets, they prepared handmade greeting cards, writing a message for each family.

With this small gesture, the youth enjoyed the experience of working for free and being together to bring joy to those who suffer so much.

In addition, on New Year’s Eve, we gathered for a moment of prayer and joyfully awaited and celebrated the New Year in all simplicity.