The visit of the General Mother, between 15 and 18 September 2024: the communities of Malta had the joy of receiving the visit of Sr Maria Rosa. The meeting with the Superior General, a sign of the unity of the entire institute, keeps alive the sense of communion and belonging to the same charismatic reality.

Sister Maria Rosa was the first to visit the elderly and sick sisters in the nursing home in Balzan, to whom she gave the Lamp, already present in several houses of the Euro-Mediterranean Province, asking them to light it every day to remind them, in prayer, of the journey they are making towards the European Province.

The communities of Tarxien, Gudia and Gozo also later met with Sr Maria Rosa.

On 17th September, in Tarxien, an assembly of all the Sisters of Charity present in Malta was convened to share and take an active part in the journey towards the Europe Province.

Mother’s presence filled their hearts with hope and revived in them the desire to participate with conviction, facing the inevitable fears and uncertainties in faith.

In prayer and in the offering of our daily lives, we ask for the grace needed so that this journey may be fruitful in holiness and charismatic fidelity.