ETHIOPIA – Cardinal of Addis Abeba: “Respect for life and aid for the displaced”
ETHIOPIA - Cardinal Souraphiel asks for respect for life and [...]
SOUTH SUDAN – “Implement peace agreements and give South Sudan a functioning government”
SOUTH SUDAN - Appeals from the Pope and other religious [...]
CAR – “Are we at the center of a Franco-Russian proxy war?”
CENTRAL AFRICA - The Bishops: "Are we at the center [...]
SYRIA – “Christmas for Syrian Christians”
Christmas for Syrian Christians, stronger than Covid-19 and sanctions by [...]
EUROPE – Taizé: a completely new kind of end-of-year meeting
A completely new kind of end-of-year meeting in Taizé and [...]
SYRIA – “Risk of a humanitarian catastrophe”
Card Zenari: risk of a humanitarian catastrophe in Syria with [...]
ETHIOPIA – The situation in Tigray remains uncertain
ETHIOPIA - The Church continues to pray for peace while [...]
EGYPT – “Political Islam has become a nightmare for Muslims and the whole world”
Egyptian Grand Mufti: political Islam has become "a nightmare" for [...]
SOUTH SUDAN – Covid: sharp increase in cases of anxiety and depression
SOUTH SUDAN - Covid-19 causes a sharp increase in cases [...]