November 28 2020 – New Cardinals come from all corners of the earth
New Cardinals come from all corners of the earth They [...]
AFRICA – Challenges to the evangelizing mission at the time of Covid-19
Challenges to the evangelizing mission in Africa, at the time [...]
LEBANON’s hospitals in a ‘catastrophic’ situation
COVID-19: Lebanon’s hospitals in a 'catastrophic' situation The head of [...]
October – Catholic church statistics 2020
VATICAN - Catholic church statistics 2020 As every year, in [...]
SYRIA – “Encyclical ‘Fratelli tutti’ recounts the suffering of our people”
SYRIA - Vicar of Aleppo: "Encyclical 'Fratelli tutti’ recounts the [...]
CAR – 60% of the population needs humanitarian protection
CENTRAL AFRICA - The UN: 60% of the Central African [...]
CAR – “Science and faith united in the fight against Covid-19”
CENTRAL AFRICA - "Science and faith united in the fight [...]
LAOS – To raise awareness about new law protecting Christian minority
Laos to raise awareness about new law protecting Christian minority [...]
CCEE – Plenary Assembly of the Bishops of the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences: Final Message
The CCEE Plenary Assembly, this year in online mode, concluded [...]