In the month of July we had a three-week program for the freshwomen at St. Joan Antida High School in Milwaukee. This program was conducted by a few faculty members and Link Crew leaders. “Link Crew! They are a team who are seniors during the 2022-2023 academic year and dedicate themselves to be leaders, to help the new students feel at home at St. Joan Antida High School. Also, the Link Crew helps to create an experience of sisterhood as one family. They are trained to support the faculty during summer program and to have an “intern” experience in the educational field.

Around 45 new students participated with lots of energy, willing to learn new things, and get used to Saint Joan antida high school and the programs offered for their school year. It was a time of pre-preparation for the academic year. The program was 3 hours a day for five days a week. It was an opportunity for the students to get to know who St.Joan Antida is, and about our mission and what Saint Joan antida high school provides for their education. They also learned about the extra curriculum activities, and how they can find their interest in different clubs other than academic intelligence.

It was a preview for the students about what the school year will look like. They experienced a fun boat trip one day and had a cook-out lunch together. It gave the students a chance to experience sisterhood together in a family atmosphere.

Sr.Mary Lucia, sdc