The 21st General Chapter of the Sisters of Charity was declared open at 10:30 a.m. on September 25 at the General House of the Congregation!
A long awaited moment!

Superior General Nunzia De Gori welcomed the capitulars from 6 provinces and 3 regions. These capitulars who are gathered for 3 weeks to reflect together and discern how the Congregation is called to live its mission in the future, a future that requires creativity, courage and commitment to incarnate the love of God according to the charism that has been entrusted to us.

Nunzia began her speech by talking about Little Amal, the giant puppet at the heart of the March that is embarking on an 8,000 km journey to support refugees. To learn more about the March you can visit:

Sr Nunzia’s message is centered on synodality, reminding us that the capitular sisters are in a work of the future, called to live this time with enthusiasm and passion in a climate of fraternity, without forgetting that each capitular is a bearer of the expectations and hopes, as well as the fears and sufferings of all the sisters who have remained in their communities… and also of all the poor to whom we are called!


You can listen to her message on the following video: