In Kfour, Lebanon, from 5 to 11 April 2024, the Conference brought together the serving sisters of the communities of the 6 Countries of the Province: Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon, in a fraternal atmosphere of joy and sharing in synodal style!

On 11 April, on the occasion of the 225th anniversary of the founding of the congregation, the day began with a Mass of thanksgiving and praise for the precious legacy that our Foundress left us: a legacy of love and total self-giving in the service of wounded humanity. The young sisters animated the celebration by recounting the glorious story of our great Saint.
The day ended with a recital sung by the St. Jeanne Antide choir at the Kfour chapel: resurrection songs and enchanting melodies lifted our souls to heaven and rekindled the flame of charity in our hearts.
A warm atmosphere of joy and fraternity marked our days.