How to organise birthday parties that drastically reduce the use of plastic? The children of Puerto Triunfo and Cristo Rey tried it. Of course, the goal was a very engaging party where children could have fun while being together in friendship, trying to respect the environment as much as possible:

– opting for streamers and garlands of paper, fabric, flowers, leaves, wood

– a non-wasteful menu, homemade, served in classic wash dishes

– fresh tap water served in glass jugs, natural drinks flavoured with fresh fruit and herbs

– suggest reuse practices: what can we do with packaging cartons, gift wrapping paper, streamers…?

– provide a final game for proper waste disposal

Celebrating birthdays has a profound meaning in itself: it celebrates the bridge between the visible and invisible, between our earthly life and the love of God that precedes us, accompanies us and awaits us.

Sustainable birthday parties are the perfect stage for planting seeds of consciousness in children, their families, and the adults who organise and participate.