Fernando de la Mora, in the parish of St Catherine of Siena, a time of contemplation, prayer and admiration of Creation was celebrated on Saturday 14 September 2024.

The parish territory is divided into sectors. Sector 3 is made up of 7 chapels that gathered in the “ecological temple” that houses the chapel of San Francisco de Assisi.

In the open air, in the protective shade of the trees, Holy Mass was celebrated preceded by the parish priest Fr Angel Armoa accompanied by the permanent deacon Arnaldo Ramírez, a Friend of St Jeanne Antide and Laudato Si’ animator.

Each community set up its own stand with the recycled materials made by the catechists, and at the end the parish priest blessed the pets and plants that each participant brought.

It should be noted that this is the third year that this beautiful celebration has been held and it is marking a path in which more and more people are participating.