In Fernando de la Mora, the third meeting of the youth pastoral workshop “In Search of Treasure” took place in the parish of St Catherine of Siena.

Young people between the ages of 15 and 17 who are preparing to receive the sacrament of Confirmation took part.

The meetings are marked by different moments: participation in the Eucharist, reflection on the Word of God in a group and personal, and an encounter with oneself.

Each meeting is characterised by a symbol that accompanies us to deepen our lives. This time the symbol was “The Casket”. The Gospel at the centre was, in fact, Mt 13:44: “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field…”

The aim was to offer young people a different space to ask themselves what God’s dream is for their lives.

Recognising their lives as a treasure chest containing precious things, the young people realised that the most precious thing that each one holds is what God has placed in their hearts, so that once the treasure is discovered, they can do as the man in the Gospel did: “The man who discovers it, hides it again; his joy is such that he will sell everything he has and buy that field”. Mt 13:44.

Making their treasure chests helped the young people to take a short break from the outside world to think about what is inside them through these questions:

  • What is the most precious thing I have?
  • Who do I treasure in my life?
  • Do I consider my life a treasure? Why yes? Why not?
  • Are there things I keep in my treasure chest that are not really treasures?
  • Do I experience the presence of God, the closeness of Jesus as a treasure?

The proposal was accepted by the young people with great willingness, joy and readiness.