Lord Jesus Christ, we entrust to You our 21st General Chapter and all the issues involved.
You invite us to incarnate our charism of Charity
within a globalized and interconnected world,
with a spirit of interdependence and solidarity with the whole humanity.

May Love lead us beyond our «Bethany»
and enable us to dream and dare the unthinkable!

Grant us the grace to commit ourselves,
as individuals and together with all our Friends and collaborators,
to serving our brothers and sisters,
who live at the peripheries of our societies.

Lord, make us attentive to Your voice,
as we trust that You are always Present and listen to us.

And on the example of Jeanne Antide may we become, day after day, Daughters of the Church;
a Church that moves and listens to the cries of this world to transform them into cries of joy and praise for the Lord of Life. Amen