You are the vine, and we are the branches!
The feast of the Presentation of Christ, in the spirit of the Jubilee,
calls us to give our life with trust and joy!
The jubilee Year and its many events sustain our faith and give new impulse to our desire to follow Christ as a family-congregation.
On 2nd February, we commemorated with the whole Church the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, world day of consecrated life. We have heard this call to strengthen our faith in a spirit of trust and openness.
As the Pope said in his homily on 2nd February 2016:
Consecrated men and women are called first and foremost to be men and women of encounter. Indeed, the vocation does not originate from a plan we have designed “on the drawing board”, but from a grace of the Lord which touches us, through a life- hanging encounter. Those who truly encounter Jesus cannot remain the same as before. He is the novelty that makes all things new. Those who experience this encounter become witnesses and make the encounter possible for others; they also promote the culture of encounter, avoiding the self-referentiality that makes us stay closed off within ourselves. In our daily lives, let us move forward on a journey of encounter with God and with our brothers and sisters as witnesses of hope!