On Saturday, June 24, the Central Team of the International Laboratory of Integral Ecology (LIEI) of the Sisters of Charity, consisting of Sister Mirta Paredes (General Councilor), Sister Mirna Farah (coordinator), Sister Elina Bustos (communication liaison) and Antonio Fiore (Secretary), met at the Generalate.

Mother Maria Rosa accompanied the start of the meeting and recalling that the General Chapter 2021 indicated that “a true ecological conversion is necessary in all dimensions of our life”, she encouraged us to collaborate so that the whole Congregation “reinterprets the charism, vows, community and apostolic life in the light of integral ecology” (Acts, page 17) and undertake actions, in a network with others, for the care of our Common House“.

The Team, after a moment of prayer illuminated with the icon of the “Women of the Dawn” (Mt 28:1-10) thanked God for all the steps taken:

  • General Chapter 2021: election chosen by the Care Process of our Common House;
  • Appointment of Sr. Mirta Paredes, as General Councilor in charge of taking care of this area;
  • Appointment of Sr. Mirna Farah as the Congregation’s Contact Person for Integral Ecology;
  • Signing of the memorandum of participation of the Congregation in the Laudato Si’ Movement;
  • Establishment of the International Laboratory of Integral Ecology (LIEI);
  • Constitution of the Central Animation Team of the LIEI;
  • Constitution of the National Animation Teams of the LIEI.

And “with bold hope”, all were encouraged to continue the journey, wanting to “open spaces” for the Divine Spirit to enter and accomplish His work, enthusiastically working out the second phase of this process:

  • June-August: dialogue with provincial councils to complete the establishment of the National Teams;
  • Common proposals for the Time of Creation;
  • September 2023- August 2024: Training Plan for the National Teams taking into account the topics indicated by the Referents;
  • Meetings with Territorial Teams as needed.

The Encyclical “Laudato Si'” helps us understand that efforts to reduce climate change, which affects all of us, and to help people in poverty must not clash, but must be pursued as a unified project, since “there are not two separate crises, one environmental and one social, but a single and complex socio-environmental crisis. The lines for the solution require an integral approach to combat poverty, to restore dignity to the excluded and at the same time to care for nature” (LS 139), because “a feeling of intimate union with other beings in nature cannot be real if at the same time in the heart there is no tenderness, compassion and solicitude for human beings” (LS 91).

Have a good journey!