Today, April 24, 2023, the International Vocational Youth Ministry Workshop of the Sisters of Charity in the 30 countries where we are present begins.

The workshop – April 24/April 28, 2023 – sees the active participation of Sister Mirta, General Councilor; Sister Luisa C., from the Euro-Mediterranean Province; Sister Agatha L., from the Central African Province; Sister Alicia A., from the North American Province; and Sister Maria Jaya G., from the Region of India.

This is a time of reflection, prayer sharing and cooperation to concretize the proposals received from the vocational youth ministry liaisons.

The objectives are:

  • to elaborate “common educational lines“, in tune with the charism, that are inspiring for the different educational projects of the congregation;
  • to organize and accompany international missionary experiences for groups or individual young people, sensitive to our charism, in collaboration with the Thouret Foundation;
  • promote “formation itineraries“, in the light of the charism (texts, sessions etc.), for sisters and lay-friends and collaborators, who, with us, have mission responsibilities among young people.

The meeting responds to the desire, contained in the Acts of the General Chapter 2021, to have a common theme, to orient the work in all the realities where we are present and to strengthen the sense of belonging.