Yesterday evening, Oct. 30, the Opening Prayer was held at the General House church to start the work of the General Conference.

The sisters who participated in this work, which marks an important moment in the life and future of the congregation, were present.

“Remain in me and i will remain in you”

The common thread has been the symbol of the vine,

“image that will accompany the work of the Conference during these days and a symbol of fertility and abundance, unity and communion.”

The sap of the Gospel, the sap of the Church, and of Jeanne Antide accompanied this moment of prayer, punctuated by songs and readings.

At the altar, where the Lord’s vineyard was set up, signs were brought, accompanying the reflection:

Some ties used to care for grafts, made from pruned shoots: a symbol of the vintner’s work and care for his vine.

Some of the shoots cut, some still green and ready to be grafted and bear more shoots, the others withered, pruned so that the vine bears more fruit. They are symbolic of our careful, delicate and constant work.

Some bunches of grapes, which the vine shoots have produced in the different realities of the congregation.

We wish good work to all those involved in this important time.

The work of the General Conference will proceed until November 6.

O God, You know that it is harvest time and time for new wine, to be joyfully squeezed from the grapes and diligently gathered into suitable wineskins, until the bubbling typical of ripening times settles, giving way to a new stability. You know that the time has come to cherish newness in creativity, that it may preserve the genuine flavor of God-blessed fruitfulness. Help us to go beyond inherited patterns, to appreciate the novelties stirred by the Spirit, welcome them with gratitude and guard them until they are fully fermented beyond impermanence.
