“Come and see”: two thousand years ago, referring to Jesus, Nathanael said to Philip: “Can anything good come from Nazareth?”(Jn 1:46). It still happens, in our diocese and beyond, that someone is tempted by the same doubt: “Can anything good come from Pozzaglia?”.
Just as little was known about Nazareth then, even today there are those who ask: “Well, where is Pozzaglia?” Philip’s answer: “Come and see” opens the way for me to say the following:

Sister Agostina’s birthplace
Pozzaglia is a small village located in the Apennines at an altitude of almost 900 metres, in a border location, far from the regional capital, Rieti, and far from the diocese of Tivoli, a few kilometres from the province of L’Aquila on one side and the province of Rome on the other.
The last few kilometres to Pozzaglia are all curves winding through the woods and then when you least expect it you find yourself in front of a small group of old, white houses, tightly packed together: you feel as if you are seeing a flock resting after grazing all day on the surrounding slopes.
Well, this modest mountain village can glory in having given birth to a saint.
The holiness of Sister Augustine
Yes, to Saint Agostina Pietrantoni, the second of eleven siblings who, at the age of 22, left her dearest affections to consecrate herself to the Lord and to dedicate her finest energies, as a nurse, to serving the sick in the Santo Spirito Hospital in Rome.
At the age of 30 she left earth for Heaven, sadly killed by one of her assistants. Her tragic death revealed the beauty of her inner life, her fortitude and patience in the trials of life, her generous and selfless love for everyone, especially the poorest, the weakest, the most unfortunate.

Sister Augustine’s anniversaries
This year four anniversaries closely concern her: 160 years since her birth – 130 years since her death – 25 years since her canonisation – 20 years since the return of her mortal remains to the parish.
In Pozzaglia,
Thursday 18 APRIL 2024, at 6 p.m.
our Bishop Mauro Parmeggiani will preside at the Eucharist.

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of canonisation, the bishop has invited all the parish priests of the IV Vicariate to concelebrate and participate together with a representation of their parishes.
Before the Mass, those who come to Pozzaglia will be able to visit the house where Saint Augustine was born, admire the murals painted last year, and be able to take part in the meeting to be held in the Municipal Hall, where the process leading up to the canonisation of Saint Augustine, Patron Saint of Nurses of Italy, will be presented.
There are other beautiful things to see in Pozzaglia, so with such joy in our hearts, we Sisters of Charity, say to everyone: COME and SEE!
Sister Rita F. from Pozzaglia
Significant initiatives
The four anniversaries in 2024 for Saint Agostina are and will be marked by a number of significant initiatives: the floor of the little chapel in Rifolta, a place of prayer very dear to Sister Agostina, has already been redone, new bookmarks have been edited and above all sister Anna Rita M. has overseen the creation of the Via Matris, seven stations from the birth house to the little church in the middle of the Maccafà woods, which will be inaugurated on 18 April.
At 5 p.m., the Eucharistic celebration will be preceded by testimonies from Agostina Pietrantoni’s family members and fellow villagers at the time of the beatification process.