From Colón, from La Plata, from Villa Corina, came news about the various involvements of students large and small in the initiatives promoted by the Laudato Si’ Movement, which the Sisters of Charity have also joined.

Season of Creation – Colón – Argentina

Creating the culture of the blood donor: this is the dream. For the second year in a row, 5th grade students from Santa Marta School in Colon, Argentina, organized a “Blood Drive” during Creation Time with the collaboration of the Hemotherapy Center of the Municipal Hospital and with the presence of the Provincial Director.

All of us may need blood at some point in our lives for ourselves, our family, or our friends.

Blood banks ensure that it is available when it is needed.

That’s why donating is an act of generosity and love for members of your community.

“Being good people by reaching out” is what these young organizers and disseminators of this day wanted to convey with great enthusiasm and commitment. Because for every drop of blood donated, 3 lives can be saved if the blood is separated into components-red blood cells, platelets and plasma-that can be used individually for patients with specific diseases.

When the plasma is one year old, it is sent to the University of Cordoba for the development of vaccines, gammaglobulins, etc., saving more lives.

Bone marrow registration was also donated this year, and plasma was extracted from patients who already had hemorrhagic fever for the development of vaccines that can save a patient’s life if applied within the first 7 days of contracting the disease in an area where this disease is endemic.

Season of Creation – La Plata – Argentina

Hoping and acting with others in a network is a great challenge

Students from Santa Marta de la Plata School in Argentina attended a training meeting of the FUNDACOR Foundation, an organization that recycles caps and whose funds go to Garrahan Hospital, a free and highly complex public pediatric center, especially for cardiology and oncology, and set to work collecting and sorting caps by color.

Season of Creation – El Campito Villa Corina – Argentina

A walk in the yard leads us to give thanks and recognize the importance of a tree to our institution or neighborhood. And we hear its call to care for it.

With the little explorers of El Campito we were able to recognize the goodness of nature that is as small as a tomato seed but grows to bear fruit.