From Lambaré, from Fernando de la Mora, from Puerto Triunfo: it is heartwarming and inspiring to receive news of the different ways children, youth, and adults have found to raise awareness and sensitization to care for creation.

Season of Creation – Lambaré – Paraguay

Throughout the Month, we talked with the children at the St. Jeanne Antide Center based on observing some videos, and they came up with some criteria for us to follow personally, as an institution and society.

They learned different songs such as Laudato Si’ and the Hymn of Season of Creation.

Mobilized by the air polluted by the fires, they prayed the rosary asking for rain for the fires and planted in the garden, taking turns to water and tend.

A 1993 folk song speaks of memories “at the blue lake of Ypacarai”, a historic place about 50 km from Lambaré.

On September 19, a walk was taken that crossed the lake. The children arrived happily and as soon as they arrived astonishment and sorrow appeared on their faces, and they wondered, “What happened to it?”

Its unpleasant appearance and foul smell prevent one from even thinking of entering its waters for a moment.

The children investigated and found that its tributaries, the Yukyry and Pirayú rivers, have lowered their levels due to drought and climate change, and the lake continues to receive fluids from the sewers of growing populations.

A recent study confirmed the high pollution suffered by the lake. 220 to 250 milligrams per liter of cyanobacteria were found, when water quality regulations allow no more than 25 milligrams. One of the ways to review this situation is to implement a treatment plant, but so far no progress has been made.

There has been a lot of reflection from this visit: the children even want to petition the governor’s office, which they visited that day.

Season of Creation – Puerto Triunfo – Paraguay

During the Season of Creation various activities were held with the youth, children and adults in the community.

The young people began the journey by learning about the theme, symbol and history of Season of Creation.

In the next meeting they decided to take an action to benefit the Quinoto tree.

In the third meeting they experienced a time of fraternization and meditation by the stream.

In the fourth meeting they visited other young people and invited them to participate with them, and in the fifth meeting they experienced a day of retreat.

They ended up celebrating the experience of feeling part of creation and in harmony with everything and everyone, weaving new networks.

The after-school children also felt very much involved in the action.

Those in Triunfo decided to move from reflection to action and like a small “ecological squadron”: armed with posters, they went out to visit and raise awareness among neighbors and merchants in the area, collecting recycling materials and picking up trash.

They also enjoyed a time of rest and meditation in the square and grew their own pots made of recycled material.

Children from the Christ the King after-school program wanted to reach out to every neighbor in the neighborhood to discuss planet care with them, but because the homes are spread out they could only visit the ones closest to them.

Then they thought they could prepare pamphlets and add them to the water bill with the help of a mom who does that service.

They are also preparing planters and other recycled decorations for the upcoming patronal festival. How nice it is to feel useful and to collaborate with the community.

On Sunday the 22nd, the Laudato Si’ Mass was celebrated in the sisters’ house and as a group of Friends of St. Jeanne Antide we planted a tree to which each family collaborated with some soil from their own house.

A tree to remind us with its flowers and fruit that we are not alone, that we always count on the help of God and our brothers and sisters.

Season of Creation – Fernando de la Mora – Paraguay

Laudato Si’ Mass in the “ecological temple” of St. Francis of Assisi Chapel of St. Catherine Parish on Saturday, Sept. 14, with a display of recycling works prepared by children and youth from each community that makes up the sector.

Participation with Virgen de Caacupe and San Roque González schools in the district march to spread the values of integral ecology on Friday, September 27.