We thank the Lord for the gift of this example of mercy and holiness. We entrust to her the appeal of Pope Francis that no sentence be carried out and that the death penalty be courageously abolished wherever it is practised.

Sr. Enrichetta wrote and prayed from her exile: ‘I offer You, O Lord, my exile to honor Yours; I offer it for the peace of this poor world…’.

Following her example, let us also commit ourselves to reciprocate evil with good by cultivating the certainty that the seeds of hope scattered throughout the world are stronger than the seeds of violence and hatred.

Invitation to the Eucharistic Celebration of thanksgiving presided over by Fr. Stefano COLOMBO (Vicar of the Parish of S. Maria Assunta of Lissone) on the seventh anniversary of the Beatification of Sister Enrichetta Alfieri – Sister of Charity of St. Joan Antida Thouret- in the Chapel of the Little House of St. Joseph in MILAN www.enrichettaalfieri.it