It comes from the intuition of the then Sister of Charity Sister Elvira Petrozzi, who around the mid-1970s felt rising within her like “a fire, a strong inner urge” to dedicate herself to the young people she saw straying, lost, with drug addiction problems.

After a long, patient and trusting wait, on 16 July 1983, in Saluzzo (CN), the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, she founded the Cenacolo Community, which is not just a social or welfare work, but is above all a “family”, a “school of life”, founded on faith, trust in Divine Providence, prayer, work and sacrifice for those who asked for a place and help to be reborn.

Today, the Community is spread all over the world, 71 ‘Fraternities’ in 20 countries, oases of hope for marginalised and desperate people in situations of physical and spiritual distress, especially those caught in the tunnel of drugs and alcoholism.

On the occasion of its 40th anniversary, thousands of people and friends gather to reflect and pray together. There are two relics of saints on this special anniversary: St Vincent de Paul, and St Jeanne Antida Thouret, symbols of love for the poor.

I warmly send my greetings to the Cenacolo Community, which for 40 years has been a place of welcome and human promotion; I bless Mother Elvira, the Bishop of Saluzzo and all the fraternities and friends. It is beautiful what you do and it is beautiful that you exist! Thank you!

Pope Francis at the Angelus on Sunday 16 July 2023