In Vinh, in the main house, the young sisters had a new opportunity to meet on 6-7 April 2024, to continue their formation on the charism.
After a day of Spiritual Retreat, on the morning of the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, they confirmed their consecration to God through the Four Vows: chastity, poverty, obedience and service to the poor.

On 6 April, sister Maria Rosaria Hoang Thi Tuat and sister Maria Tran Thi Hoa helped them to rediscover more deeply their spirituality and charism in support of their vocational journey, hope and hard-working charity.
During the Eucharistic celebration of the Confirmation of Religious Vows, Fr Francis led us to contemplate the two disciples on the road to Emmaus: after the tragedy of Jesus’ cross, the disciples were sad and disillusioned. They thought that following the Master would guarantee a bright future, but in the end only failure remained. But at the moment of most acute disillusionment, Jesus approached them, silently, accompanied them along the way, initiated a conversation….
Event then and now: so many times in our lives, we fail to recognise Him.
Our wish is that you, too, may experience that God always accompanies you in your daily life: Christ is the Living One who gives us Life in fullness.