In the diocese of Vinh, some 4,000 young people have participated. This is a vocational festival held in most Vietnamese dioceses at their Diocesan Pastoral Centre. Representatives of the various seminaries of men’s congregations and vocational pastoral work of women’s religious congregations question and dialogue with the young men and women about the Lord’s call, in full-time service to the growth of the Kingdom of God.

The host pastoral centres assign a stand to each congregation or seminary, which liven them up with posters presenting the charism, some significant figures who have incarnated it and the mission of some local communities. Representatives of seminaries and women’s religious institutes welcome young people, dialogue with them, and invite them to more organised initiatives aimed at vocational discernment.
The Sisters of Charity of the diocese of Vinh also had a stand, which they animated with sensitivity and welcome, seeking to offer young people the opportunity to encounter a significant proposal of the Gospel lived.
This year, as every year, the festival was organised on Vocations Sunday 2024, with the slogan ‘Do not be afraid’.