We gladly publish the latest issue of the online magazine of the Vincentian Family, of which we are a part together with more than 160 institutions and some four million people who follow Jesus Christ today by serving the poor, following the example of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Louise de Marillac and many other saints who have enriched the Vincentian charism over the past four centuries.

In this issue:

  • testimonial of a 17-year-old Vincentian;
  • interview with Sr. Vicki Lichtenauer, Sister of Charity of Leavenworth;
  • spotlight on the Indonesian Vincentian Family and its witness in the Muslim world;
  • the “Blessed Nemesia” Women’s Promotion Center in Shire (Ethiopia);
  • information on the International Conference of the FamVin Homeless Alliance (FHA) held in Manila (Philippines);
  • information about the First International Symposium on Communication organized by the Vincentian Marian Youth (VMY).

We thank the editorial staff of FamVin for providing space for the “Blessed Nemesia” Women’s Advocacy Center in Shire, Ethiopia.